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Add a Touch of Elegance to Your Catering Event: How to Impress Your Guests with a Palate-Cleansing Intermezzo Course – Tips, Examples, and Creative Ideas

Add a Touch of Elegance to Your Catering Event: How to Impress Your Guests with a Palate-Cleansing Intermezzo Course – Tips, Examples, and Creative Ideas
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In the world of catering, the term “intermezzo” refers to a brief course served between the main courses of a meal. The purpose of the intermezzo is to cleanse the palate and prepare the guests for the next course. Intermezzos can be a fun and creative addition to any catering event, and in this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about incorporating intermezzos into your next event.

What is an intermezzo?

An intermezzo is a small course that is served between the main courses of a meal. It is typically a cold, refreshing dish that cleanses the palate and prepares the guest for the next course. Intermezzos are often served during formal dinners or multi-course meals, but they can also be incorporated into less formal events.

Intermezzos can take many forms, but some of the most common include sorbets, granitas, and fruit-based dishes. They are typically served in small portions and are designed to be light and refreshing.

The benefits of serving an intermezzo

There are many benefits to serving an intermezzo at your catering event. Some of the most significant benefits include:

  • Cleansing the palate: Intermezzos help to cleanse the palate between courses, allowing guests to fully enjoy each dish.
  • Refreshing: Intermezzos are typically light and refreshing, which can be a welcome break from heavier dishes.
  • Adds a touch of elegance: Serving an intermezzo adds a touch of elegance to your catering event, making it feel more formal and sophisticated.
  • Creative opportunity: Intermezzos can be a fun and creative opportunity for your catering team to showcase their skills and come up with unique and memorable dishes.
  • Helps with pacing: Serving an intermezzo can help with pacing, ensuring that guests are not overwhelmed by too much food too quickly.

Types of intermezzos

There are many different types of intermezzos, and the type you choose will depend on your personal preferences, the theme of your event, and the main courses you are serving. Some of the most popular types of intermezzos include:

  • Sorbets: Sorbets are a popular choice for intermezzos because they are light and refreshing. They can be made in a variety of flavors, including fruit, mint, and citrus. Sorbets can also be made with alcohol for an adult twist.
  • Granitas: Granitas are similar to sorbets but are more crystallized in texture. They are often made with fruit juice, sugar, and water and can be flavored with herbs, spices, or alcohol.
  • Fruit-based dishes: Fruit-based intermezzos can take many forms, including fruit salad, fruit skewers, or fruit gazpacho. These dishes are light and refreshing and can be made with a variety of seasonal fruits.
  • Cold soups: Cold soups, such as gazpacho or cucumber soup, can also make excellent intermezzos. They are refreshing and light and can be made in a variety of flavors.
  • Cheese plates: Cheese plates can also be served as intermezzos, particularly if the main course includes a heavy meat dish. Cheese plates can be paired with fruit, nuts, and crackers for a satisfying intermezzo course.

How to incorporate an intermezzo into your catering event

Incorporating an intermezzo into your catering event is relatively simple, but it does require some planning and preparation. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Choose your intermezzo: Choose the type of intermezzo that you want to serve based on your personal preferences, the theme of your event, and the main courses you are serving.
  • Plan the timing:

Plan the timing of your intermezzo carefully to ensure that it serves its purpose of cleansing the palate and pacing the meal. Typically, intermezzos are served after the main course and before the dessert course. However, depending on the specific event, you may choose to serve it before the main course, after the appetizers, or even as a stand-alone course.

  • Consider presentation: The presentation of your intermezzo can be just as important as the taste. Think about how you can make your intermezzo visually appealing and tie it into the overall theme of your event. For example, if you’re serving a summer-themed event, you may want to serve a watermelon sorbet in a hollowed-out watermelon shell.
  • Communicate with guests: Make sure to communicate with your guests about the intermezzo course. Let them know what to expect and explain the purpose of the course. This can help guests to fully appreciate the flavors and benefits of the intermezzo.

Examples of intermezzo dishes

Now that you have a better understanding of intermezzos, let’s take a look at some examples of dishes that can be served as intermezzos:

  • Lemon sorbet: A classic intermezzo dish, lemon sorbet is a refreshing and palate-cleansing course that can be made with just a few ingredients.
  • Cucumber soup: This light and refreshing soup is perfect for summer events. It can be made with cucumber, yogurt, and a few simple seasonings.
  • Watermelon granita: A watermelon granita is a light and refreshing course that can be made with watermelon, sugar, and lemon juice.
  • Fruit skewers: Skewers of fresh fruit are a simple and colorful intermezzo dish that can be made with a variety of seasonal fruits.
  • Mint granita with prosecco: This adult twist on a classic granita is perfect for more formal events. It’s made with mint, sugar, and prosecco.
  • Tomato gazpacho: This cold soup is made with fresh tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, and onions. It’s a light and refreshing dish that’s perfect for summer events.
  • Cheese plate: A cheese plate is a great choice for intermezzo if you’re looking for something more substantial. It can be paired with fruit, nuts, and crackers for a satisfying course.


Incorporating an intermezzo into your catering event can be a fun and creative way to add an extra touch of elegance and sophistication to your meal. By serving a light and refreshing course between the main courses, you can cleanse your guests’ palates and prepare them for the next course. With a variety of options to choose from, including sorbets, granitas, fruit-based dishes, and more, intermezzos can be tailored to fit any event theme or style. So, next time you’re planning a catering event, consider adding an intermezzo to the menu to impress your guests and take your event to the next level.

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