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What Could Antonio Brown Bring to the Table if He Signs with the Ravens?

Antonio Brown is one of the most talented receivers in the history of the NFL. He has been a controversial figure in recent years, but there is no denying the impact he can have on a team when he is on the field. There are rumors that Brown may sign with the Baltimore Ravens, and if he does, there are many elements he could bring to the table. In this article, we will explore the possibilities of what Antonio Brown could bring to the Ravens.

Improved Passing Offense

The first and most obvious benefit to signing Antonio Brown is the boost he could give to the Ravens’ passing offense. Brown has been one of the most productive receivers in the NFL over the last decade, and he has the ability to take over a game. Receivers like Brown do not come around often, and if he were to join the Ravens, he would give them a dynamic playmaker on the outside.

Brown could work in conjunction with Lamar Jackson, who is one of the most exciting quarterbacks in the league. Jackson is a dual-threat quarterback who is able to create with his legs, but he has struggled at times with his passing. Adding a receiver like Brown would give Jackson a reliable target who can consistently make plays downfield. Brown commands attention from the defense and has the ability to stretch the field, creating more opportunities for the Ravens to make big plays.

Improved Red Zone Offense

The Ravens have struggled in the red zone over the last few seasons, and adding Antonio Brown could help alleviate that problem. Brown is one of the best red zone receivers in the NFL, and he has a knack for finding the end zone. In fact, he has scored more touchdowns in the red zone than any other player in the last six seasons.

This would be a significant upgrade for the Ravens, who have relied heavily on their running game in the red zone. While the Ravens do have some talented tight ends, none of them have the ability to take over a game like Brown. The Ravens could use Brown as their primary red zone target, which would create mismatches and make it more difficult for defenses to stop them.

Improved Third-Down Offense

The Ravens have also struggled on third down in recent seasons, and Antonio Brown could help to change that. Brown is one of the most reliable receivers in the league on third down, and he has an impressive track record of converting third downs. Since 2015, Brown ranks second in the NFL in third-down receptions, and he has converted 76 of those receptions for first downs.

This is an area where the Ravens have struggled, particularly on third-and-long situations. Adding Brown to the mix would give them a reliable target who can convert difficult third-down plays. This would be particularly important for the Ravens, who rely heavily on their running game. If they are able to convert on third down more often, they will be able to sustain longer drives and give their defense more rest.

Improved Team Chemistry

One of the main concerns with signing Antonio Brown is his reputation for causing problems in the locker room. However, if the Ravens were to sign Brown, they would be in a good position to manage his behavior. The Ravens have one of the best locker rooms in the league, and they have a strong culture of accountability and teamwork. If Brown were to join the Ravens, he would be surrounded by leaders who could help keep him in check.

Furthermore, Brown would be joining the reigning MVP in Lamar Jackson, who is known for his positive attitude and infectious personality. Jackson has a way of bringing out the best in his teammates, and there is no reason to believe that Brown would be an exception. Brown has played with some of the best quarterbacks in the league, including Ben Roethlisberger and Tom Brady, and he has been successful in those situations. There is no reason to believe that he would not be successful with Lamar Jackson.

Potential Drawbacks

While there are many benefits to signing Antonio Brown, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. The first is his off-field behavior. Brown has a history of causing problems in the locker room and on social media, and there is no guarantee that he would change his behavior if he were to join the Ravens. This could create tension within the team and distract from their ultimate goal of winning a Super Bowl.

Another potential drawback is Brown’s age. He will be 32 years old at the start of the 2020 season, and while he is still an elite receiver, he is not getting any younger. There is always a risk in signing an older player to a long-term contract, and it is possible that Brown’s productivity could drop off in the coming seasons.

Finally, there is the issue of cost. Brown is expected to command a significant salary if he were to sign with the Ravens. While the Ravens do have some cap space, they would need to make some tough decisions in order to afford Brown’s contract. This could lead to them having to let go of some key players or restructure existing contracts.


In conclusion, there are many elements that Antonio Brown could bring to the table if he were to sign with the Baltimore Ravens. He would give them an elite receiver who can change the game and create mismatches for the defense. He would also improve their red zone and third-down offense, as well as their team chemistry. However, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider, such as his off-field behavior, his age, and the cost of his contract. Ultimately, it will be up to the Ravens to weigh the benefits and risks of signing Brown and decide whether he would be a good fit for their team.
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