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Top 5 Corporate Lunch Catering Trends You Need to Try

Top 5 Corporate Lunch Catering Trends You Need to Try
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When it comes to corporate events, the food and catering are just as important as the agenda and guest speakers. In fact, the catering can often make or break an event. With the rise of food culture and dietary restrictions, it’s important to stay on top of the latest catering trends to ensure that your corporate event is a success. Here are the top 5 corporate lunch catering trends you need to try:

  1. Healthy and Sustainable Options

One of the biggest trends in corporate catering is the shift towards healthier and more sustainable options. Many companies are now looking for caterers that offer locally-sourced, organic, and non-GMO ingredients. Vegan and vegetarian options are also in high demand, as more people are adopting plant-based diets for health and environmental reasons. Incorporating these options into your lunch catering can show that your company values health, sustainability, and ethical practices.

  1. Build-Your-Own Stations

Build-your-own stations are becoming increasingly popular in corporate catering, as they allow guests to customize their own meals to their liking. This trend is particularly popular for lunch, as it allows attendees to create a meal that is both satisfying and convenient. Build-your-own salad and sandwich stations are some of the most popular options, but you can also offer stations for bowls, tacos, or even pizza. By offering a variety of toppings and ingredients, you can cater to different dietary needs and preferences.

  1. Global Flavors

Another popular trend in corporate lunch catering is the incorporation of global flavors. Instead of traditional sandwich platters, many companies are opting for international cuisines that can add some excitement and flavor to their events. From Indian curries to Mexican fajitas, there are endless possibilities when it comes to incorporating global flavors into your corporate lunch catering. By offering a variety of cultural dishes, you can also celebrate diversity and inclusivity within your company.

  1. Interactive Food Stations

Interactive food stations are another trend that is gaining popularity in corporate catering. These stations allow guests to participate in the preparation and cooking of their own food, adding an element of fun and entertainment to the event. Some popular interactive food stations include sushi rolling, taco bars, and even liquid nitrogen ice cream stations. Interactive food stations not only provide a unique experience for guests but also create a memorable and engaging event.

  1. Dessert Tables

No meal is complete without a sweet treat, and dessert tables are a trend that is making a comeback in corporate lunch catering. Instead of traditional desserts like cookies and brownies, many companies are opting for dessert tables that feature a variety of miniature desserts. This allows guests to try a little bit of everything and satisfies those with a sweet tooth. Some popular dessert table options include mini cupcakes, fruit tarts, and chocolate truffles.

In conclusion, catering is an important aspect of any corporate event, and staying on top of the latest trends can make all the difference in creating a successful and memorable event. Incorporating healthy and sustainable options, build-your-own stations, global flavors, interactive food stations, and dessert tables can help elevate your corporate lunch catering and impress your guests. By offering a variety of options that cater to different dietary needs and preferences, you can ensure that everyone leaves satisfied and happy.

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