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Bigfoot Entertainment: Independent Film Production Company with a Global Mission for Quality and Innovation

Bigfoot Entertainment: Independent Film Production Company with a Global Mission for Quality and Innovation

Bigfoot Entertainment, founded in 2004, has established itself as a leading independent film production company with a global reach. With a mission to create innovative and quality content, products, services, and training for the global marketplace, Bigfoot Entertainment has made a significant impact in the entertainment industry. The company finances and develops feature films, documentaries, and reality TV shows, many of which have received industry accolades, festival awards and have been distributed throughout the world.

Headquartered in Miami Beach with studios in Cebu, Philippines, Bigfoot Entertainment has a team of experienced professionals who work tirelessly to create top-notch entertainment content that is enjoyed by audiences across the globe. Featuring both well-established and up-and-coming American and international talent, Bigfoot releases have shot on location worldwide including the United States, Hong Kong, China, Africa, Europe, and Vietnam.

Bigfoot Studios, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bigfoot Entertainment, encompasses six sound stages and on-site state-of-the-art post-production facilities. With these resources, the company is able to produce high-quality content efficiently and effectively, ensuring that every project meets the company’s high standards.

The company’s commitment to nurturing new filmmakers, talent, and industry professionals is evident through the International Academy of Film and Television, which provides comprehensive training and education programs in film and television production, screenwriting, acting, and other related fields. The academy, which is also located in Cebu, Philippines, offers students the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals and work on real-world projects, providing them with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in the industry.

Bigfoot Studios

Bigfoot Entertainment: Independent Film Production Company with a Global Mission for Quality and Innovation

Bigfoot Studios is a company that offers top-of-the-line equipment rentals and postproduction services for filmmakers and production houses. Located in Cebu, Philippines, it has six stages, an underwater shooting tank, fully equipped editing suites and the latest film cameras. The company aims to attract professionals from around the world to produce feature films, TV shows, documentaries, and commercials.

Film School

Bigfoot Entertainment: Independent Film Production Company with a Global Mission for Quality and Innovation

The International Academy of Film and Television-Cebu (IAFT) is a film school that was founded in 2004 on the island of Mactan in Cebu, Philippines. It has a specialized curriculum that combines theory with practical application under the guidance of industry professionals. The school offers programs in filmmaking, performing arts, and various short-term workshops. IAFT also provides selected students with unique internship opportunities through its parent company, Bigfoot Entertainment.

Film Distribution

Bigfoot Entertainment: Independent Film Production Company with a Global Mission for Quality and Innovation

Bigfoot Ascendant Distribution LLC is the distribution arm of Bigfoot Entertainment Inc. It handles theatrical, home entertainment, and foreign sales distribution, and also acquires films for worldwide distribution. The company is always expanding and open to creative partnerships to realize greater global success.

Bigfoot Ventures

Bigfoot Entertainment: Independent Film Production Company with a Global Mission for Quality and Innovation

Bigfoot Ventures is an international venture capital subsidiary of the Bigfoot Group of Companies. With operations in Hong Kong, Singapore, Cebu, New York, Los Angeles, and Antwerpen, the company manages and implements the Group’s investment plans and strategies. It focuses on sectors operating in communications, technology, education, entertainment, and new media.

Bigfoot Properties

Bigfoot Entertainment: Independent Film Production Company with a Global Mission for Quality and Innovation

Bigfoot Properties specializes in the development and leasing of real estate across the globe. The company owns and manages properties in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Singapore, Belgium, and the United States.

Fashion One

Bigfoot Entertainment: Independent Film Production Company with a Global Mission for Quality and Innovation

Fashion One is a global television network that focuses on the synergy between lifestyle, travel, entertainment, film, and fashion. It is the only fashion channel producing programs in 3D and High Definition. Fashion One broadcasts 24/7 internationally across multiple platforms.

Fashion One Foundation

Bigfoot Entertainment: Independent Film Production Company with a Global Mission for Quality and Innovation

Fashion One Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting human and environmental rights through education and sustainable development. The foundation aims to make high fashion accessible to the masses, and to accelerate the central role that fashion occupies in our global economy, popular culture, and politics.

Bigfoot Entertainment’s dedication to quality and innovation has been recognized by the industry, with many of its projects receiving critical acclaim and industry awards. The company’s feature film, “The Curiosity of Chance,” won Best Screenplay at the Rhode Island International Film Festival and Best Feature Film at the Madrid International Film Festival. Another feature film, “The Art of War II: Betrayal,” was named Best Action Film at the New York International Independent Film & Video Festival. These accolades demonstrate the company’s commitment to producing high-quality entertainment content that resonates with audiences and industry professionals alike.

One of the company’s most successful projects is the reality TV show, “Whale Wars,” which chronicles the efforts of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society to protect whales from illegal hunting. The show, which aired on Animal Planet, was a critical and commercial success, running for seven seasons and earning numerous awards, including a Primetime Emmy nomination for Outstanding Cinematography for Nonfiction Programming.

In addition to its success in the entertainment industry, Bigfoot Entertainment is also committed to making a positive impact in the community. The company has partnered with various organizations to support initiatives that promote social justice and environmental sustainability. These efforts include supporting the Save the Whales Again campaign, which aims to bring an end to the commercial whaling industry, and the Coral Reef Restoration Project, which works to restore damaged coral reefs in the Philippines.

Bigfoot Entertainment’s commitment to quality, innovation, and social responsibility sets it apart from other entertainment companies in the industry. With a global perspective and a dedication to nurturing new talent, the company is poised to continue making a significant impact in the entertainment industry for years to come. Whether it’s through its feature films, documentaries, or reality TV shows, Bigfoot Entertainment is committed to creating entertainment that not only entertains but also inspires and educates audiences around the world.

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