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Trae Young Confident in Hawks’ Future Championship Win, Says HC Quin

As Trae Young’s confidence in the Hawks’ future championship win becomes apparent, head coach Nate McMillan has also shared his belief in the team’s capabilities. After leading the Hawks to the Eastern Conference Finals during the 2020-21 NBA season, both Young and McMillan have set their sights on taking the team to the next level. With the right mindset and skillset, the Hawks may just have what it takes to become champions.

In this article, we will look at the factors that have contributed to Trae Young’s confidence and how the Hawks can build on this momentum to realize their championship ambitions.

Why Trae Young Is Confident In the Hawks’ Future Championship Win

1. A Winning Mindset

Young has long stressed the importance of having a positive mindset. He believes that success is only achievable when the team is aligned on the same path to winning, and everyone works together towards that common goal. As he puts it, “We’re just trying to win games, and we’re trying to get to our ultimate goal of winning a championship.”

His winning mentality is evident in the way he leads on the court, constantly pushing himself and his teammates to strive for excellence. He is not afraid of taking risks or making mistakes, as long as they contribute to the team’s eventual success.

2. Team Chemistry

Team chemistry plays a significant role in any sports team’s success, and the Hawks are no exception. Young has emphasized the importance of building solid relationships with his teammates, saying, “It’s all about relationships. You’ve got to have relationships with your teammates, coaches, and everybody around you. If you have that trust and that bond, you can do something special.”

The Hawks’ chemistry was evident last season, as they rallied behind Young’s leadership and battled to the Eastern Conference Finals. The team’s young core, including John Collins, Kevin Huerter, and De’Andre Hunter, has established a strong rapport that bodes well for the future.

3. Continuous Improvement

Young understands that there is always room for improvement, no matter how talented a team or player may be. He is committed to working hard and developing his skills, saying, “I want to be the best. That’s my focus every day. I want to get better at everything I do.”

The Hawks have also shown a dedication to continuous improvement, as evidenced by the development of their young core over the last few seasons. Young, Collins, Huerter, and Hunter have all improved their games and are expected to continue doing so. With the addition of veteran players like Bogdan Bogdanovic and Lou Williams, the Hawks have a well-rounded team that can compete at a high level.

4. Resilience

Young and the Hawks have faced their fair share of ups and downs, but they have consistently shown resilience and determination. Young himself has faced criticism, particularly for his foul-drawing tactics, but he has remained focused on his goals and beliefs, saying, “I believe in myself. I believe in my abilities, and I believe in my team.”

The Hawks’ resilience was evident in their playoff run last season, where they battled through injuries and adversity to reach the Eastern Conference Finals. This resilience will be crucial in the team’s future success, as they face inevitable challenges along the way.

How the Hawks Can Build on Trae Young’s Confidence and Achieve a Championship Win

1. Build on the Young Core

The Hawks’ young core has shown tremendous potential, and building on this foundation should be a priority. Young, Collins, Huerter, and Hunter are all under 25 years old and have several years of development ahead of them.

The team should focus on continuing to develop their players’ skills, particularly in areas where they can make the most significant impact. For example, Collins has shown great potential as a rebounder and post player, while Huerter’s shooting and playmaking abilities are assets that should be cultivated.

2. Upgrade the Supporting Cast

While the young core is the foundation of the team, the Hawks’ supporting cast also plays a crucial role. The team should look to upgrade their bench and role players, particularly in areas where they lack depth.

Last season, the Hawks lacked a consistent rim protector and relied heavily on Young’s playmaking abilities. Adding a defensive-minded center and a secondary playmaker could help alleviate some of the burden on Young and provide additional flexibility on both ends of the court.

3. Emphasize Defense

One area where the Hawks could improve is on the defensive end. While they were a respectable defensive team last season, they ranked 22nd in defensive rating and struggled at times against strong offensive teams.

McMillan, who was responsible for the team’s defensive turnaround last season, has emphasized the importance of defense and team rebounding. The team should continue to build on this foundation and focus on developing a solid defensive identity.

4. Maintain Team Chemistry

As we’ve already noted, team chemistry is essential to any sports team’s success, and the Hawks are no exception. The team should continue to emphasize building relationships between players and coaching staff and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Additionally, the team should maintain a positive locker room environment and avoid any potential chemistry-damaging conflicts. Strong leadership from Young and McMillan can help maintain the team’s unity and focus.


Trae Young’s confidence in the Hawks’ future championship win is warranted, given the team’s winning mindset, team chemistry, continuous improvement, and resilience. To build on this momentum and achieve a championship win, the team must continue to develop their young core, upgrade their supporting cast, emphasize defense, and maintain team chemistry.

If the team can accomplish these goals, they may just be well on their way to achieving their championship ambitions.
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