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What Sets F1 Sprint Races Apart? FORMULA WHY Breaks it Down

Formula 1 Sprint races are a new addition to the F1 format in 2021, and they have become an instant hit among fans and the teams. The F1 Sprint race offers a unique and exciting experience for fans as it allows them to witness high-speed driving on Saturday instead of Sunday, who would typically have to wait for the main event, i.e., the Grand Prix race, on Sunday. While there are several factors that separate F1 Sprint races from traditional races, in this article, we delve deeper into the most significant differences of the F1 Sprint races.

What are F1 Sprint Races?

Formula 1 Sprint Races are a new format for race weekends that take place on selected Grand Prix weekends. As per the FIA’s (Federation Internationale de l’Automobile) regulations, the F1 Sprint race consists of 100km, roughly half the distance of a standard F1 race length, and is held on Saturday. The F1 Sprint race determines the starting order for the main race on Sunday, where the drivers start in reverse order of the qualifying results from the F1 Sprint race.

What Sets F1 Sprint Races Apart?

1. Shorter and Intense Race

One of the most significant advantages of F1 Sprint races is that they provide an intense and action-packed racing experience while being relatively short. Compared to traditional F1 races that could last around 90 minutes, F1 Sprint races roll out for about 30 minutes, making them a high-intensity event for both the teams and the audience.

2. Different Point Scoring System

Unlike the main race, where the top 10 finishers earn points, F1 Sprint races have a different point scoring system. Three points are awarded to the winner of the race, two points for the second place, and one point for the third place. As per the FIA regulations, these points get added to the driver’s tally for the season, and they also determine the starting positions of the racers in the main Grand Prix race that follows the sprint race. The idea behind this point system is to reward drivers who perform well in the sprint race and make the event more competitive.

3. Tire Strategy

Another significant difference in F1 Sprint races is the tire strategy, which can impact the outcome of the entire race weekend. Unlike traditional races where teams are allowed to make more than one pit stop to swap their tires, F1 Sprint races only allow racers to use one set of tires throughout the entire event. As a result, the teams have to strategize and make the most out of their tires to gain an advantage over their competitors. This dynamic makes the F1 Sprint races even more exciting, as it could turn into a battle between teams’ tire management strategies.

4. Short Practice Sessions

To add more thrill to the Sprint race weekend, teams are provided with shorter practice sessions, which could be as low as one hour, compared to the two, one-and-a-half hour practice sessions in a traditional race weekend. This raises the stakes for the teams and the drivers, as they have limited time to fine-tune the car before the Sprint race and adapt to the circuit’s conditions.

5. One Chance Qualifying Session

In F1 Sprint races, there is only one qualifying session held on Friday; this sets up the starting grid order for the Sprint race. As opposed to a traditional race weekend, which usually has three qualifying sessions, it becomes vital for drivers to perform well in the one chance they get in the qualifying session to secure a better starting position for the F1 Sprint race.

6. Earn Pole Position

The main goal of the F1 Sprint race is to earn the “Pole Position” for the main race on Sunday. The pole position means the driver who secures the top spot in the Sprint race grid, who ideally would have put up the fastest lap time. Earning the pole position is not only a significant achievement, but it also gives the driver an edge over the competitors, enabling them to start from the front of the grid in the Grand Prix race.

Final Thoughts

The F1 Sprint race has revolutionized the way Formula 1 races take place. This format is designed to provide a thrilling and intense racing experience for the teams and their fans. The shorter duration, unique point system, tire strategy, and the one chance qualifying make F1 Sprint Races a must-watch event. In the current pandemic situation, this format has made the race weekends more efficient, compact and at the same time, more exciting. It would be exciting to see how this dynamic format evolves in the future, as it certainly provides a fresh perspective on Formula 1 racing.


1. “Formula 1 Sprint races” – Formula 1

2. “F1’s Sprint Qualifying stands up well to first test” – ESPN

3. “What’s the F1 Sprint race, and how does it work?” – Motor1

4. “How will the F1 Sprint Qualifying format work, and why is it happening?” – Sky Sports F1
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